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BCAA5000 combines the highest quality branched chain amino acids, known as BCAAs, with the best tasting flavors to give you stimulant free muscle building, endurance and recovery support while you train and throughout your day. BCAA5000 elevates your performance and promotes lean muscle growth through 5 grams of pure BCAAs in the most researched and proven 2:1:1 ratio of 2.5 grams Leucine, 1.25 grams Isoleucine and 1.25 grams Valine per serving. This is the most proven ratio of BCAAs to support muscle building and recovery.
LEAN MUSCLEBCAA5000 promotes muscle protein synthesis, a key factor in muscle building. Leucine is the most important of the three BCAAs for initiating muscle protein synthesis, which is required for muscle building. A dose of 2-3 g leucine is generally considered most to stimulate muscle protein synthesis and is often referred to as the leucine threshold. For comparison to food, one large egg contains about 0.5 g leucine, and 5-6 oz of most meat, poultry, or fish sources will provide the recommended 2-3 g amount. BCAA5000 has 2.5 grams Leucine per serving, which equals the amounts found in a serving of meat or 5 eggs. |
INCREASE ENDURANCEBCAA5000 helps delay fatigue and prolong endurance so you can go stronger for longer. Muscle fatigue is delayed because BCAAs are used as an additional energy source during sustained training and exercise. When your body depletes the stored glycogen it used for energy during exercise, BCAAs can still work to power your muscles. BCAA5000 also helps fight fatigue after training by reducing the amount of the amino acid tryptophan from getting into the brain, which makes you feel fatigued during and after training. |
BOOST PERFORMANCEBCAAs help improve strength and cardio performance when taken regularly, helping you be at your best and build lean muscle. As any athlete knows, a small increase in performance can mean the difference between reaching a personal best or not. BCAA5000 provides an additional fuel source during training for working muscle. As the body uses up its stored glycogen for energy, BCAAs kick in as an energy source so you can push past your previous performance barriers. |
RECOVER AND PROTECTBCAAs have been shown to preserve muscle mass under intense exercise and dieting that can cause protein breakdown and muscle wasting. By providing supplemental BCAAs, the body is less likely to consume its own amino acid (protein) stores. Think of BCAAs as protectors for your muscles! BCAA5000 also supports recovery by reducing muscle soreness and damage. Consuming BCAAs prior to and following exercise may reduce the level of muscle soreness felt after heavy training. Furthermore, studies have shown that BCAA intake reduces muscle breakdown that occurs during both resistance/weight training and endurance exercise. That means you can recover faster and have less muscle soreness between challenging workouts. |