
International Protein


$74.90 - $199.90
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Amino Charged WPI is International Protein’s Whey Protein Isolate (WPI) product, and it is known by bodybuilders and high-performance athletes as an incredible alternative to whey protein concentrate (WPC) that can help to build lean muscle and improve muscle recovery. 

Our International Protein WPI has the highest protein (94% by dry weight basis), the lowest fat in a protein and less than 1% carbohydrates and sugars (lactose). Our WPI protein is fast digesting and high protein to make it the best post-workout supplement for your body. Plus, this product contains added aminos, making it perfect for those wanting a fast recovery after exercise. 


Simply mix 40 grams (3 heaped tablespoons OR 1 1/3 scoops) of this whey protein powder with 200ml – 300ml of cold water, low-fat milk, full cream milk, or soymilk in a shaker or blender. 

You can take this product 2-3 times daily to obtain your required protein intake and build muscle. Use it as a meal replacement, post-workout shake, or as a pre-workout before exercise to fuel your body. The best times for use are first thing in the morning, mid-morning, and/or mid-afternoon and before sleep. 


Whey Protein Isolate, Flavours, Hydrolysed Whey Protein Isolate (Whey Peptides), Cocoa*, L-Glutamine, L-Arginine, Chocolate Flake (1%)# , Natural Colours (Beetroot Juice Powderα’ , Curcumin^, Annatto Extract’, Caramel’, Vegetable Carbon Black’), Sweetener (Sucralose), Emulsifier (Soy Lecithin). 

*Chocolate and Turkish Delight Flavours only 

^ Banana flavour only 

# Cookies & Cream flavour only 

α Strawberry flavour only 

‘ Caramel Popcorn flavour only 

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